Test Nikon d750 vs d810
Test av Nikon nya kameror, finns att läsa i Monitor nr 2-2015
Test av Nikon nya kameror, finns att läsa i Monitor nr 2-2015
Swedish (English below) : Monitor har testat Nikon 4DS. Artikeln med hela testet finns i Monitor nr 7/8, 2014. Denna film visar produkten, dess funktioner och sammanfattar testresultaten. www.tidningenmonitor.se English: Monitor Sweden has tested Nikon 4DS. The article with the complete review is found in Monitors Sweden's July/August 2014 issue. This film shows the product, its functions and summarizes the results. www.tidningenmonitor.se
Swedish: Del 2. Monitor har testat fyra olika slowmotion-kameror. Artikeln med hela testet finns i Monitor nr 3, 2013. Denna del visar vilka kameror som användes i de olika tagningarna. www.tidningenmonitor.se English: Part 2. Monitor Sweden has tested four different slow motion cameras. The article with the complete review is found in Monitors Sweden's March 2013 issue. This part shows which cameras were used in the various takes. www.tidningenmonitor.se
Swedish: Del 1. Monitor har testat fyra olika slowmotion-kameror. Artikeln med hela testet finns i Monitor nr 3, 2013. Denna del visar filmen som gjordes med kamerorna. www.tidningenmonitor.se English: Part 1. Monitor Sweden has tested four different slow motion cameras. The article with the complete review is found in Monitors Sweden's March 2013 issue. This part shows the film that was made with the cameras. www.tidningenmonitor.se
Swedish (English below) : Monitor har testat FocusMaker. Artikeln med hela testet finns i Monitor nr 12, 2013. Denna film visar produkten, funktioner och sammanfattar testresultaten. www.tidningenmonitor.se English: Monitor Sweden has tested the FocusMaker. The article with the complete review is found in Monitor Sweden's December 2013 issue. This film shows the product, its functions and summarizes the results. www.tidningenmonitor.se
(English below) Swedish: Monitor har testat Sony PMW200. Artikeln med hela testet finns i Monitor nr 4, 2013. Denna film visar PMW200 och sammanfattar testresultaten. www.tidningenmonitor.se English: Monitor Sweden has tested Sony PMW200. The article with the complete review is found in Monitor Sweden's April 2013 issue. This film shows the PMW200 and summarizes the test results. www.tidningenmonitor.se
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